
Sunday 22.3.09:

Well what a brisk morning down at the gym at 6.00 ready for the news as to what we are going to do. I got there fashionably early along with Amanda where we had a little chit chat as to how things were going. Before too long Little Miss Scarey arrived. Quick toilet stop and away we go. We headed towards Ormiston where I was thinking that dreaded hill. Well it was two runs up the dreaded hill before taking off as to where we didn't really know. I asked Angela if we were of to Wynnum and I got the response do you mean Manly. Oh crap that is millions of miles away. We headed along after the hill run to find out we were doing 1 minute run 2 minutes walk and we did this all the way to Manly. 3 Hours later we made it to Manly. My feet were aching in the arches and I was stuffed. Due to the fact Angela went with Greg and I had Amanda to get me from A to B we kept in communication by mobile phone. As we headed into Lota Amanda was talking with Angela and when Amanda got off she said that Angela will be with me on the way back. I was literally stuffed. Once arriving to where Angela and Greg were I said to Angela " are we really going all that way back?" Angela replied "no Darren is coming to get us." This was all a bit much by this stage and I got quite teary. THANKS ANGELA FOR DOING THAT. We had a breakfast of muesli and coffee before trying to walk back to the car. Arriving back we did the good old weighi ns. Well everything is going quite well with a 1 kilogram loss and all the other readings changing in a good way too. Well a HUGE THANK YOU TO AMANDA FOR THE VERBAL ENCOURAGEMENT ALONG THE WAY, HOPE YOUR VOICE BOX IS OKAY. Thanks for the great support you are a wonderful trainer. Thanks to ANGELA FOR BEING SO GOOD WITH US GENERALLY AND FOR THE INSPIRATION ALONG THE WAY. Well another great achievement today to us all. Thank you one and all for the training session and to Darren for the taxi ride.

Fromm Annette


  1. Annette what a top effort - Cleveland to Manly not too damn shabby I can tell you. Sorry for leading you along about having to walk back, the thought did cross my mind though - haha!

  2. Great job Annette thats a fantastic aheivement. I have done that run walk and I know how hard it is. Well done with the weight loss. I beleive that are trying to catch Greg, keep up the hard work and I know you could pass him. See you tomorrow morning.

  3. Great Job Girl Once Again!!!
    And no my voice box not sore but my feet r c us trainers get pain too, we r human too not robots, U did a great job today should be very proud of the job u did today both on the hill and on the lovely leisure some walk to manly, it was so enjoyable!!!! Maybe we could do that one next Friday instead of walking to the point what do you reckon(hehe)
