
Monday 23.2.09:
It's the day after our bike ride and at this point in time not feeling to bad my legs aren't hurting to much at all. My bottom may be a bit bruised though. A Personal training session with Richard today. I know I asked for upper body but oh my goodness It was burning my arms really bad. I made it through the session and ended with 20min on the bike and some stretches. I thought if I kept my legs moving for a while it might stop them from hurting to badly in the next day or so.
It is good to look back on what we have done in this new you challenge and see just what we have achieved fitness wise and mentally so far. Greg has been working really well and I can't wait to be as good as he is at the challenges. Keep up the training mate.

From Annette


  1. Good to see you in spin class this morning AND managed to smile your way through a fit key class tonight - keep it up Annette! ☺☺

  2. I do know the feeling, but once you keep it, you see the difference. It is so good to you~~

  3. The bike riding journey probably stands for the journey you are experiencing at the moment! It's killing you when doing it, but the results afterwords are definitely worth to push yourself a little further each time! I've been in the same situation and know what it feels like, keep up the good work and you will not only look better from the outside but it will also change you from the inside in a beautiful way! Good luck!
