
Thursday 19.2.09:

Arriving at the gym this morning I was a little tired but I knew that if I didn't do my walk then I wasn't going to get time. So off I went I said I can do this so after crossing the street I started jogging for a while then took a rest by walking fast till my heart rate started coming back down and then off i would go again. I did this on the way down to the point and then I did it on the way back for half of the way but the heat was getting too much so I pushed myself to get back in plenty of time to be able to cool down with a 20 min bike ride and stretch my muscles. I felt wrecked but the heat had a lot to do with that. A well deserved shower and a days work followed by a spin class with Jessie which was quite a hard class and I was ready for a relaxing shower and a back massage for the aching back muscles. Well weights and cardio tomorrow but that is after seeing my son Brendan get a Well Done Award on assembly. Well must go before I miss out on the back massage.

From Annette


  1. Great job yesterday. I saw you in the gym after you finished your walk run and you definately looked like you worked hard out there. Keep up the good work

  2. Hey nette great job girl keep it up u r working so hard keep focused on your training and if need company on those walks to the point yell out only too happy to join u have a great session on sunday
