
Thursday 19 3 09:

Feeling a little tight after my Karate class last night. I had to go shopping this morning to buy myself a shirt to wear with a skirt today and that was interesting to see how my shape has changed. The skirt use to be so uncomfortable to wear but I felt it falling down and I kept having to adjust it all the time. My shirt was from the medium size rack which felt really good. It was time for work and I felt full of energy. I finished at 6.15 and then did children pickup and arrived home at 6.45 to quickly get changed and drive like a hooligan to get to Jessie's Spin Class. Jessie's spin class was great with plenty of variety and plenty of sweat. It was a small group and very friendly atmosphere we pushed our way through the class. Jessie is very motivational and inspires me to keep going and aim for targets down the track after the challenge has finished. Great class. Well Friday already tomorrow I think I better prepare myself for the weekend it could be a big hard one. Which is nothing unusual for our weekend sessions. I am loving all this
energy I have had lately and I feel like a new woman. Oh Darren thanks for the Photo's during Spin that made my night.
From Annette

From Annette

1 comment:

  1. sorry mate been flat out (no excuse not to blog i no) not long to go now girl so keep up the good wk. I noticed tonite your upper body has changed loads guess that means rog was right then hey, keep up the good wk and look forward to sunday 2nd last one mate
